Hrať sa bude zajtra alebo pozajtra. Čo je dôležité pri tipe sú Paireho výsledky týždeň pred French open a jeho zdravotný stav.
Paire zas raz nevyzeral fit pri prehre v Ríme s Albotom po ktorej povedal: "I have a lot of physical problems. I have back pain again and I have trouble training. Besides that, my elbow also hurts from Barcelona. For a while, I have been taking a lot of anti-inflammatories. So, I'm apprehensive. Especially with my service. I made three double faults in my first service game. There are many things to say but I think I have to have a little rest. It's not my level of play that worries me. I still won Marrakech and had a good tournament in Barcelona. It just these physical concerns. I will go back to the South, do some exams in Saint Raphael and rest. Depending on the results, I will either play in Lyon, Geneva, or I will not play at all. There is enough time before Roland. I'm not too worried."
Paireho výsledky v turnajoch týždeň pred FO od roku 2011 kedy sa dá o ňom povedať, že je ATP hráčom:
2018: nehral
2017: Lyon 1R OUT s Thompsonom (1-2) @3+
2016: Nice 1R OUT s Mannarinom (0-2) @3+
2015: Nice 1R OUT s Monnacom (0-2)
2014: nehral
2013: nehral
2012: Nice 1R OUT s Rogerom Vaselinom (0-2) @2,2
McDonald ukázal, že na antuke zahrať vie, porazil Simona či Daniela v Barcelone.