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ITF W60 Rome, GA 2 Women, 17-30
Townsend T. - Kessler M.
TIP: KESSLER @4,80 (Tipsport / check your local bookies / @4,68 pinn)
ITF v Rome sa hra na pomerne dost rychlom halovom slick harde. Toto nie su kurty ktore budu sediet uplne vsetkym hrackam. Taylor vyhrala minuly tyzden ITF v Kalifornii, ktore sa hralo ale na vonkajsom harde. A rozhodne to nebolo az tak rychle. Taylor je skor tricky hrackou a ona rozhodne potrebuje na svoju hru trosku viac casu na lopte. Velmi rychly povrch jej tak logicky nebude sediet. Navyse kym na outdoor harde ma Taylor odohratych uz 258 zapasov, tak v hale ich za celu karieru odohral len 11 co je neskutocny rozdiel. Navyse posledny vyherny zapas v hale mala este v sezone 2014. Dobrym voditkom v tomto tipe moze byt aj turnaj v Kalifornii, ktory Taylor vyhrala a prave v semifinal tam porazila Kessler 64 75. Kessler tiez haly az tak nehrava, ale ona je vo vseobecnosti este stale neopozerna hracka. Tento rok konstantne ukazuje progress a rozhodne neocakvame ze v rychlej hale dopadne zapas pre nu horsie ako v Kalifornii. Ked pred tyzdnom prehrala o 4 gemy, tak cakame ze dnes to bude uz len lepsie.
In Rome, the ITF tournament is being played on a relatively fast indoor slick hard court. These are not courts that will suit all players. Taylor won the ITF event in California last week, which was played on an outdoor hard court. It certainly wasn't as fast as now. Taylor is more of a tricky player, and she definitely needs a bit more time on the ball for her game. A very fast surface logically won't suit her. Moreover, while Taylor has played 258 matches on outdoor hard courts, she has only played 11 indoors in her entire career, which is an incredible difference. Furthermore, her last winning match indoors was in the 2014 season. A good indicator in this type of match could also be the tournament in California, which Taylor won in the semifinal. She defeated Kessler 6-4, 7-5. Kessler also doesn't play indoors as much.. This year, she has consistently shown progress, and we certainly don't expect her to perform worse in a fast indoor court than she did in California. When she lost by just 4 games last week, we expect her to do even better today.